ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
Colour Television
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Welcome Dear Panasonic Customer, WehopethatyouhavemanyyearsofenjoymentfromyournewTV.TheQuickStartGuidesectionatthebeginningofthisinstruction bookwillallowyoutousetheTVasquicklyaspossible.Werecommendthatyouthenreadthecompleteinstructionbook,andkeepit to refer to as you explore the range of advanced features that this TV offers. ThisTVhasa low powerconsumption making itverycosteffectiveto run. Also, when in Standbymodethe power consumption is merely 2.8W. This instruction book is produced using re
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Warnings and precautions D ThisTVsetisdesignedtooperateonA.C.220---240V,50Hz. D TheOn/Offswitchonthismodeldoesnotfullydisconnect theTVfromthemainssupply.Removethemainsplugfrom D To prevent damage which might result in electric shock or thewallsocketwhentheTVsetisnotusedforaprolonged fire,donotexposethisTVsettorainorexcessivemoisture. period of time. ThisTVmustnotbeexposedtodrippingorsplashingwater Note: and objects filled with liquid, such as vases, must not be D If the set is not switched off w
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Quick StartGuide 1 OR VCR SET TOP BOX Plug in aerial and connect ancillary equipment First, ensure that the VCR is inStandby mode 2 Plug in TV and switch on Select your country 3 For Switzerland and Belgium, select the desired language Press the red button Autosetup will begin, your stationswill belocated and stored. 4 If a compatible VCR is connected to the AV2 socket, programme data will be downloaded to the VCR via Q---Link. Seepage20. 4
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Quick StartGuide OnceAutosetup is complete, if you are installing a new Q---Link compatible VCR, you can now switch itOn. 5 Downloaded tuning data will match the television’s. Not all VCRs suport this download of programme information, some may require to be started manually. See the VCR instruction book for details. D If the VCR has not accepted download data from the TV, you may need to select the download option from the VCR’s menu. D If Q---Link is not operating correctly, check it is connec
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Basic controls: frontpanel and remote control Press here to open flap MAINS Power On /Off switch TV/AV switch Headphone socket S---VHS socket RCA Audio/Video Red light indicates (see page 27) (see page 27) (see page 27) sockets (page 27) Standby mode. When using the remote control, Increases or decreases the programme indicates the TV has position by one. When a function is received a command already displayed, press to increase or decrease the selected function. When in STR (Normalisation store
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Using the On Screen Displays ManyfeaturesavailableonthisTVcanbeaccessedviatheOnScreenDisplaymenusystem.Usetheremotecontrolasshownbelow to access and adjust features as desired. PICTURE SOUND SET UP ThePICTURE,SOUND andSETUP buttons are used to open the main menus and also to return to the previous menu Theupanddowncursorbuttonsareusedtomovethe cursor up and down the menus The left and right cursor buttons are used to access menus, adjust levels or to select from a range of options The STR button
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PICTURE Picture menu PICTURE Press thePICTURE menu button Move to chosen menu option Adjust chosen option or access chosen menu TV/AV Press theTV/AV button at any time to go back to watching TV Pressing theSTR button after having adjusted a feature STR will store the setting as the default (replacing the factory setting). Increase or decrease the levels of these options Contrast according to your personal preference. Brightness Colour Sharpness WithanNTSCsignalsourceconnectedtotheTV, Tint thepic
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SOUND Sound menu SOUND Press theSOUND menu button Move to chosen menu option Adjust chosen option or access chosen menu Press theTV/AV button at any time to go back to TV/AV watching TV STR Pressing theSTR button after having adjusted a feature will store the setting as the default (replacing the factory setting). SomefeaturesareonlyavailablewiththeSurroundfeatureswitched off. Press theSurround button to switch betweenOn andOff Lets you set the overall output volume. Volume Increaseordecreaselev
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SET UP Setup menu SET UP Press theSETUP menu button Move to chosen menu option Adjust chosen option or access chosen menu TV/AV Press theTV/AV button at any time to go back to watching TV. OffersachoiceofsignalstosendtotheAV2Scart AV2 out socket. You can choose from the current TV programmeposition,thesignalenteringAV1/AV3 / AV4 or Monitor --- the picture displayed on screen. Allows you to choose between FLOF or LIST Teletext mode. See page 22. SwitchestheTVoffwithinapresettimewhichyou Offtimer
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Tuning menu --- overview SET UP Press theSETUP menu button Move to Tuningmenu option AccessTuningmenu Move to chosen menu option Adjust chosen option or access chosen menu TV/AV Press the TV/AV button at any time to go back to watching TV STR Pressing theSTRbutton afterhaving adjusted some featureswillstorethesettingasthedefault(replacing the factory setting). Access in order to customise your programme Programme settings (eg: adding or deleting a programme edit position) See page 12. Allows you
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Tuning menu --- Programme edit SET UP Press theSETUP menu button Move to Tuningmenu option AccessTuningmenu Move to Programme edit option AccessProgramme edit Move to chosen programme position (eg: Prog. 3) Makerequiredchange,eg:renamingaprogrammechannel(see the relevant procedure below) TV/AV Press theTV/AV button at any time to go back to watching TV STR Pressing the STR button after having adjusted some features stores the change made Adding / deleting a programme channel Make sure the cursor
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Tuning menu --- Programme edit Renaming a programme channel Move to theName column Choose the new character. The box at the bottom of the screen shows the character currently selected. Move to the next character position Continue until renaming is done STR PressSTR to store the new name Locking a programme channel You may wish to lock a programme channel to prevent access to it Move to theLock column Choose between LockOn or LockOff STR PressSTR to store the new setting Note: D When a programme
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Tuningmenu --- Autosetup AutosetupautomaticallyretunesyourTV.Thisfeatureisusefulif,forexample,youmovehouseandwishtoretuneyourTVtoreceive the local stations. SET UP Press theSETUP menu button Move to Tuningmenu option AccessTuningmenu Move toAutosetup AccessAutosetup Press to confirm start Select your country Note: D Ifyouproceedwiththenextstepalltuningdata willbeerased(allstationsandtheirprogramme positions stored in your TV’s memory will be wiped out so the new settings can be stored). If you e
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Tuningmenu --- Manual tuning It is possible to retune individual programme positions: SET UP Press theSETUP menu button Move to Tuningmenu option AccessTuningmenu Move toManualtuning AccessManualtuning Select the programme position to be tuned Press repeatedly until required station is found STR When the desired station is found, pressSTR to store. The programme position will flash TV/AV Press the TV/AV button at any time to go back to watching TV Manual tuning (viafrontpanel) It is also possibl
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ASPECT Aspectcontrols ASPECT Press the ASPECT button to move through the six aspect options: Panasonic Auto, 4:3, Zoom, S---Zoom,16:9 andJust. Notes: D If you leave Aspect set to Panasonic Auto, the TV software determines the best ratio for each programmeviewed.Inordernottodisruptyourviewing,nomodeinformationisdisplayedwhile thisishappening(eg:aprogrammemaybeginin4:3modethenseemtojumpintoJustmode). Simply press theASPECT button to display mode information in the top left of the screen. D A 16:9
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ASPECT Aspectcontrols 4:3 4:3willdisplaya4:3pictureatitsstandard4:3size withoutanystretching.Blackstripeswillbevisible down the left and right sides of the picture. 4:3 Zoom Zoom mode magnifies the central section of the picture. Press the red or green buttons to enlarge the picturevertically. Pressthe yellow or bluebuttons to move the picture vertically (useful when there are sub---titles positioned below the picture). Zoom Blue button has been pressed to move picture upwards S---Zoom S---Zoom
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MULTI WINDOW Multi window MULTI PresstheMULTIWINDOW button (whilsttheonscreen selectorkeysareon screen)to movebetween WINDOW watchingthecurrentprogramme,thepictureinpicturefeature,pictureoutofpictureandpictureand picture feature. The on screen selector keys (corresponding to the four coloured buttons on the remote control) that appearforthefeaturesclearafterafewseconds.Ifyouwanttoselectanoperationwhenthekeysarenot shown, press theMULTIWINDOWbuttononcemoreandthekeyswillreappear. Picture and pictu
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INDEX Channel search CH SEARCH Press the CH SEARCH button to show INDEX freeze---frames of the programmes being CH SEARCH broadcast on all of the stored channels. These images are displayed in series clockwise around the edge of the screen, starting from the top left. Thecurrentprogrammeisdisplayed in thecentre of the screen, still playing. HOLD INDEX The feature cycles through the stored channels until either the STILL key is pressed to pause the Channelsearch STILL CH SEARCH searchortheCHSEARC
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Q---Link Thisisa Q---Link TV. Q---Link, NEXTVIEWLINKandsimilartechnologyprovideawayforaTVandVCRtocommunicate,makingit easier to record programmes. In order to be able to exchange information both the TV and the VCR must be fitted with this technology,andmustbeconnectedwithaSCARTlead(fullfunctiontype)betweentheAV2socketoftheTVandtheappropriate socketon theVCR (seetheVCR instruction book fordetails). Q---LinkletsyourTVinstructacompatibleVCRtorecordtheprogrammecurrentlyshownonscreen,nomatterwhatpro