ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
Freestanding Stove
For use in GB & IE (Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland).
This appliance has been certified for use in countries other than those
stated. To install this appliance in these countries, it is essential to obtain
the translated instructions and in some cases the appliance will require
modification. Contact Yeoman for further information.
Models: YM-W9001FL / YM-W9001LC / YM-W9001ERFL /
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COVERING THE FOLLOWING MODELs: YM-W9001FL / YM-W9001LC / YM-W9001ERFL / YM-W9001ERLC / YM-W9101FL / YM-W9101LC / YM-W9101ERFL /YM-W9101ERLC / YM-W9102FL/YM-W9102LC / YM-W9102ERFL /YM-W9102ERLC / YM-W9201FL / YM-W9201LC / YM-W9201HC / YM-W9201ERFL / YM-W9201ERLC /YM-W9201ERHC / YM-W9202FL / YM-W9202LC / YM-W9202HC / YM-W9202ERFL / YM-W9202ERLC/ YM-W9202ERHC / YM-W9301FL / YM-W9301LC / YM-W9301HC / YM-W9302FL / YM-W9302LC / YM-W9302HC APPLIANCE COMMIssIONING CHECKLIsT 3 COMMIssIONING 23
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APPLIANCE COMMIssIONING CHECKLIsT To assist us in any guarantee claim please complete the following information. In the unlikely event of a problem, contact your installer or dealer for assistance: Dealer appliance was purchased from Name: ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Address: .....................................................................
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UsER INsTRUCTIONs 1. GENERAL POINTs 1.1 Before use of this appliance please read these instructions fully. 1.2 All local regulations, including those referring to national and European standards need to be complied with when installing the appliance. 1.3 Only use for domestic heating in accordance with these operating instructions. Data Plate PR7517 1.4 You must burn only approved fuels. Do not use with liquid fuels or as an incinerator. 1.5 Appliance surfaces become very hot when in us
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UsER INsTRUCTIONs AIRWAsH & PRIMARY AIR CONTROLs 1.14 Use a gloved hand to operate air controls. The opposite end of the door tool can be used to operate Open Airwash controls. Open Airwash Control Open Close 1 Door PR7522 2 Door PR7523 Airwash Control Airwash Control DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR WITH BARE HANDs 1.16 To close the door follow the process in reverse. WARNING PR7518 PR7519 Primary Air Control Primary Air Control Properly installed, operated and maintained this Single Door Two Door a
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UsER INsTRUCTIONs 3.3 Fuel consumption. 3. RECOMMENDED FUELs As tested at nominal heat output to the requirements of EN 13240: 2001 for intermittent operation: 3.1 Wood Logs: Description Fuel Consumption • Burn only seasoned timber with a moisture content of less than 20% Kg/Hour Kg/Hour Wood Briquette (300mm long) smokeless Fuel Wood Length Exmoor 1.7 0.7 Exe 1.7 0.7 Devon 2.7 1.5 Appliance Wood Length County 3.9 2.1 Exmoor 250mm 3.4 For advice on suitable solid fuels:* Exe 300mm • Con
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UsER INsTRUCTIONs 5. RUNNING THE APPLIANCE 5.1 Burning Wood (with or without Multi-fuel kit fitted): • Leave the Secondary Air fully open • Close the Primary air control and use the Airwash to control the burn rate when appliance is at operating temperature, see Diagram 8 Air Wash: Fully Open • Leave the door slightly open as the fire establishes and the glass warms to avoid the build-up of condensation Primary Air: Closed • Add larger pieces of wood Secondary Air: Too many logs may
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UsER INsTRUCTIONs 6. BURNING TIPs Air Wash: 25% Open 6.1 Fuel Quality (Wood) Use wood with a moisture content of less than 20%. Seasoned logs have the bark beginning to lift and peel away and cracks radiating from the centre. They feel lighter than fresh cut wood of a similar size and sound hollow when Primary Air: struck against each other. Logs should not feel damp or Adjust have moss and fungal growths. Secondary Air: Fully Closed Symptoms related to wet wood: — Difficulty starting
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UsER INsTRUCTIONs — Wind noise from air controls (high flue draught) 7. AsH REMOVAL — Difficulty getting a fire going and keeping it burning well (low flue draught) Do not allow ash to build up in the appliance as it will — Low heat output (low flue draught) not burn properly and may cause damage. — Smoke entering room when doors opened (low flue draught) 7.1 Wood: • Open the door The construction, position, size and height of the chimney • Remove drop-in front plate, Diagr
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UsER INsTRUCTIONs •Remove ashpan and empty c) It is repaired as required before re-use. Use only genuine Stovax replacement parts to keep your appliance in Warning: Heat can remain in the ash long after use. . safe and efficient working order. 7.3 Use gloves, or place the ash into a Stovax Ash Caddy (Stovax Part No. 4227) 11. GENERAL CLEANING 7.4 Do not place hot ash in a bin made from plastic or any 11.1 Clean and inspect your appliance regularly, especially in other combustible mater
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UsER INsTRUCTIONs 13. CHIMNEY sWEEPING 13.1 To maintain safe and efficient use of the appliance the chimney/flue must be inspected and swept at least once a year by a qualified chimney sweep.* If the appliance is used continuously throughout the year or it is used to burn wood, more frequent sweeping is recommended. The best time to have the chimney swept is at the start of the heating season. 15. sEAsONAL UsE The above applies even if burning smokeless fuels. 15.1 Clean and service the
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UsER INsTRUCTIONs • Lift out the riddling mechanism and remove all ash • Replace riddling mechanism when cleaning is complete 16.3 Glass cracking: Do not over tighten the screws on the glass clips when replacing the glass as this causes stress and the intense temperature changes can cause the glass to crack. For replacement glass contact your local Stovax dealer. 16.4 Appliance is producing tar: This is identified by: • A very strong pungent smell shortly after the appliance is lit and
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TECHNICAL sPECIFICATION YEOMAN EXMOOR/EXE/DEVON/COUNTY MODEL: Exmoor – YM-W9001FL / YM-W9001LC / YM-W9001ERFL / YMW9001ERLC Exe – YM-W9101FL / YM-W9101LC / YM-W9101ERFL / YMW9101ERLC YM-W9102FL / YM-W9102LC / YM-W9102ERFL / YM-W9102ERLC Devon – YM-W9201FL / YM-W9201LC / YM-W9201HC / YM-W9201ERFL / YM-W9201ERLC / YM-W9201ERHC / YM-W9202FL / YM-W9202LC / YM-W9202HC / YM-W9202ERFL / YM-W9202ERLC / YM-W9202ERHC County – YM-W9301FL /
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sITE REQUIREMENTs YEOMAN sTOVE DIMENsIONs PR7509 Description A B C D E F G H (dia) Exmoor FT 523 437 290 100 407 324 89 125 Exmoor LC 667 447 309 100 407 324 89 125 Exe FT 517 595 307 115 402 351 89 150 Exe LC 682 599 319 110 402 351 89 150 Devon FT 565 618 349 118 449 394 115 150 Devon LC 729 599 353 128 449 394 115 150 Devon HC 891 608 353 111 449 394 115 150 County FT 596 748 447 125 471 506 120 150 County LC 812 777 450 145 471 506 120 150 County HC 928 768 452 111 471 506 120 150 All dimens
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sITE REQUIREMENTs 1.5 You must be able to sweep and inspect the flue when the 1. FLUE & CHIMNEY appliance is installed. 1.6 You must check the flue draught with all windows and 1.1 The flue or chimney system must be in good condition. doors closed and any extraction fans in this or adjoining It must be inspected by a competent person and passed for rooms running at maximum speed. (See next section for use with the appliance before installation additional ventilation requirements) Products
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sITE REQUIREMENTs 1. FLUE EXIT POsITIONs Horizontal Terminal Measurement Flue 150mm Vertical max Measurement Adjacent Building Insulation The vertical measurement is the lowest from either the point of discharge or 150mm above insulation. IMPORTANT: Seek specialist Position On Roof Minimum Clearances advice if installing in a dwelling with a thatched roof On ridge or within 600mm 600mm above ridge A Elsewhere on roof 2300mm horizontally from roof surface and: B a) 1000mm above highest poi
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sITE REQUIREMENTs WALLs NEXT TO HEARTH Thickness W Solid, non-combustible material e.g. masonry or concrete H C 150mm minimum C 150mm minimum PR7511 Position of Appliance & Hearth in relation to walls Requirement for the walls Distance of hearth from wall Distance of Appliance to wall Min thickness of Wall Min height of wall 'C' 'W' 'H' 0mm 0mm - 50mm 200mm Height of appliance + 300mm Or 1200mm from the hearth (take largest dimension) 0mm 51mm - 300mm 75mm 0 - 150mm 150mm + 75mm 1200mm 150mm
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PRE-INsTALLATION CHECKs 1. FLUEs MODEL: Exmoor – YM-W9001FL / YM-W9001LC / YM-W9001ERFL / YMW9001ERLC Exe – YM-W9101FL / YM-W9101LC / YM-W9101ERFL / YMW9101ERLC YM-W9102FL / YM-W9102LC / YM-W9102ERFL / YM-W9102ERLC Devon – YM-W9201FL / YM-W9201LC / YM-W9201HC / YM-W9201ERFL / YM-W9201ERLC / YM-W9201ERHC / YM-W9202FL / YM-W9202LC / YM-W9202HC / YM-W9202ERFL / YM-W9202ERLC / YM-W9202ERHC County – YM-W9301FL / YM-W9301LC / YM-W9301
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PRE-INsTALLATION CHECKs 3. VENTILATION 3.1 This appliance requires ventilation to supply combustion air. Any room containing the appliance must have a permanent 2 air vent opening with a total free area of at least 550mm per kW of appliance rated output above 5kW. 3.2 Increase air supply provisions where a room contains multiple appliances. 3.3 If vents open into adjoining rooms or spaces there must be an air vent of at least the same size direct to the outside. 3.4 Permanent air vents shou
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INsTALLATION INsTRUCTIONs 1.1 Take care when installing the appliance. Careless LEGAL REQUIREMENTs handling and use of tools can damage the finish and/or area. Before installation of this product please read these instructions fully. 1.2 Lift the stove into position on the prepared hearth area, taking care not to damage the hearth finish. It is very important to understand the requirements of the national Building Regulations and standards*, along with any local • Choose top or rear flue e